HOMESCHOOLING: Haven or Havoc?


HOMESCHOOLING: Haven or Havoc?


This is a series of stories and commentary intended to start healthy conversations for parents to strongly consider homeschooling. My premise is that a one-size-fits-all education is, at best, suboptimal, and has proven worse in responding to the pandemic. We’ve seen homeschooling have phenomenal outcomes—not just in our family’s 20 years of homeschooling, but in countless other families as well. At the same time, taking on your kids’ education entails financial and career sacrifices. Real planning looks at intangibles as well as the numbers. Before you plant your homeschooling flag, firm up your WHY. Let’s start there.

I was out on my deck enjoying the evening coolness when giddy laughter touched my soul. Unmuted, uninhibited, uncontrollable giggles emanating from a small child in a neighbor’s yard compelled me to smile.

Remember smiling at school? Do you recall collective laughter revealing a new front tooth or new braces or a shiny new smile after the braces came off?

In 2020, unbridled power centers banned smiles in school. Imagine having to wear a mask during basketball practice! In 2020 we heard that the remedy should not be worse than the affliction. How quickly did your school open back up—sans masking requirements—once the lunacy of masking children was unmasked?

Can the most hilarious mouth printed on a mask substitute for the spectrum of genuine, human expressions? We’ve heard about numerous studies concluding that how we speak communicates more information than what we speak. So who wants their child’s formative years deprived of developing that ability to decode full facial expressions?

Has the CDC earned your continued trust? Has the education establishment earned your trust in applying CDC "guidance" in a way that considers a full spectrum of repercussions from masking?

Because kids won't be masked again at school, will they?

To Your Success!


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Garth Hassel

Retirement Income Strategist

Garth Hassel is a best-selling author, speaker, and wealth architect with over 15 years of experience in the financial services industry. As a navigator of the financial seas, he sees what others can't, charting safe conventional and alternate routes to his clients' destinations. He can be reached at [email protected].

This is a series of stories and commentary intended to start healthy conversations for parents to strongly consider homeschooling. My premise is that a one-size-fits-all education is, at best, suboptimal, and has proven worse in responding to the pandemic. We’ve seen homeschooling have phenomenal outcomes—not just in our family’s 20 years of homeschooling, but in countless other families as well. At the same time, taking on your kids’ education entails financial and career sacrifices. Real planning looks at intangibles as well as the numbers. Before you plant your homeschooling flag, firm up your WHY. Let’s start there.

I was out on my deck enjoying the evening coolness when giddy laughter touched my soul. Unmuted, uninhibited, uncontrollable giggles emanating from a small child in a neighbor’s yard compelled me to smile.

Remember smiling at school? Do you recall collective laughter revealing a new front tooth or new braces or a shiny new smile after the braces came off?

In 2020, unbridled power centers banned smiles in school. Imagine having to wear a mask during basketball practice! In 2020 we heard that the remedy should not be worse than the affliction. How quickly did your school open back up—sans masking requirements—once the lunacy of masking children was unmasked?

Can the most hilarious mouth printed on a mask substitute for the spectrum of genuine, human expressions? We’ve heard about numerous studies concluding that how we speak communicates more information than what we speak. So who wants their child’s formative years deprived of developing that ability to decode full facial expressions?

Has the CDC earned your continued trust? Has the education establishment earned your trust in applying CDC "guidance" in a way that considers a full spectrum of repercussions from masking?

Because kids won't be masked again at school, will they?

To Your Success!


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  • (208) 497-5347
  • (208) 497-5347